Lombard Direct

Lombard Direct is a British-based finance company that specialise in loans and insurance, founded in 1995. It is one of the largest finance houses in the United Kingdom and is now a member of the Royal Bank of Scotland group.

Lombard sponsors various sporting events and athletes, including rowing champions Steve Redgrave and Matthew Pinsent, who represented the United Kingdom and won the country's only gold medal at the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta, and also at the Sydney games in 2000.

Previously Lombard Direct's telephone number was the same as their lending limit; their lending limit was £800 to £15,000 and their chosen telephone number appeared as 0800 2 15000 in adverts, although both have changed since. Lombard Direct's television and other adverts, are known for their animated, anthropomorphic, talking blue phone, known internally as ARNOLD (Apply Right Now On Lombard Direct), which has featured in them for several years.

As of August 2009, Lombard Direct are not offering personal loans.[1]


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